Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is a powerful tool for gaining insights into user behavior on your website or app. It’s crucial to be able to export this data for further analysis to make informed decisions. This article will explore how to export GA4 data to Google Sheets, allowing in-depth analysis and insights. We will discuss different methods to export GA4 data to Google Sheets for free efficiently. By leveraging this approach, you can enhance your data analysis capabilities and make better-informed decisions based on the insights gained. Let’s dive into the details.

Method #1: Export GA4 Data to Google Sheets using GA4 Interface (Manually)

This method is an excellent choice for those who do not require real-time data updates in Google Sheets and wish to export GA4 data for specific analysis purposes.
In Google Analytics 4, every report, whether default or from GA4 exploration, allows data to be downloaded as a CSV file or exported directly to Google Sheets, but please note that you will need to be an Admin or Editor to be able to export or download the data.

Using GA4 Explore, you can export data directly to Google Sheets. To do this, create your exploration report, then click the download button at the top right of the report and select Google Sheets. Your data will be exported directly into Google Sheets. If you’re unsure about how to create an exploration report, don’t worry. Please check our detailed article for guidance. 

Exporting GA4 data into Google Sheets using GA4 Explore
Exporting GA4 data from GA4 Explore

If you are using a default GA4 report like the “Traffic Acquisition report,” you will need to take the following steps:

  1. Click on the “Share this report” icon.
  2. Choose “Download file.”
  3. Select “Export to Google Sheets”
Exporting GA4 data into Google Sheets Traffic Acqusition Report
Exporting GA4 “Traffic Acquisition Report” data to Google Sheets

Again, this method is ideal for one-time analysis purposes. The following options are recommended for those interested in not only storing historical GA4 data in Google Sheets but also maintaining it up-to-date.

Method #2: ​​Export GA4 Data to Google Sheets using Official GA4 (Google Analytics 4) Connector

The Official GA4 (Google Analytics 4) Connector is a powerful tool that enables users to seamlessly export GA4 data directly into Google Sheets for further analysis and reporting. By integrating Google Analytics 4 with Google Sheets, this connector simplifies the process of accessing and visualizing your GA4 data in a familiar spreadsheet format. With the add-on installed, users can easily create custom reports by selecting specific metrics, dimensions, and date ranges to analyze their GA4 data. The connector provides a user-friendly interface within Google Sheets, allowing users to generate reports with just a few clicks.

To connect Google Analytics 4 with Google Sheets, follow the steps below:

  1. Install the GA4 Report Builder for Google Analytics Add-on on Google Sheet

    To install the GA4 Report Builder for Google Analytics Add-on on Google Sheets, follow these steps:
    1) Open a new Google Sheets document.
    2) Navigate to the Google Marketplace by clicking on the Extensions tab on the spreadsheet, then select Add-ons and click on Get Add-ons. This will open the Google Marketplace.
    3) Search for the GA4 Report Builder for Google Analytics Add-on. When it appears, click the Install button to install it.GA4 Report Builder for Google Analytics Add-on

  2. Set up Report Configuration

    To create a new report using the GA4 Report Builder for the Google Analytics Add-on, follow these steps:
    1) Open your Google Sheet and go to the extensions menu.
    2) Click on the add-on and select “Create New Report.”
    3) A new window will open on the right side of the page, allowing you to input details such as the GA4 Account name, property, date, dimensions, and metrics.
    4) After filling in these details, click the “Create Report” button.
    5) Google Sheets will then generate a Report Configuration tab for you.GA4 Report Builder Add-on Report Creation Interface

  3. Run the Report

    Navigate to the Add-on in the extensions tab, and then select the “run report” option. This will generate a new tab containing the data, using the name of the report you entered in the previous step.GA4 Google Sheet Connector Add-on Interface

With your report created, you can now analyze and visualize your data as you please and also schedule the frequency of the reports.

Method #3: Export GA4 Data to Google Sheets using GA4 Magic Reports Google Sheets Add-on (Automatically)

To automatically export data from Google Analytics 4 (GA4) to Google Sheets, you can also use a Google Sheets add-on called GA4 Magic Reports, created by Michele Pisani

The GA4 Magic Report Add-on offers advantages over the GA4 Google Sheet Connector Add-on. With the Magic Report Add-on, users can sort and filter their data during the report creation setup, a functionality not available in the Google connector

Additionally, scheduling functionality works perfectly for the GA4 Magic Report Add-on, while users often encounter issues with the scheduling functionality of the GA4 Google Sheet connector add-on.

To use GA4 Magic Reports, you need to install the add-on in Google Sheets by following the steps described above. Once installed, you can create a report by selecting the add-on and clicking on “Create New Report.” This will open an interface similar to the GA4 Report Builder Add-on. From there, you can select the GA4 property to pull data from, choose the metrics and dimensions for the report, set up filters and sorting, and specify the date range for the data you want to export.

You can also choose the frequency at which you want the report to be updated, such as daily, weekly, or monthly. After setting everything up, click on “Create & Run” to run the report and export the data to your Google Sheets document. 

Export GA4 data into Google Sheets using Add-on GA4 Magic Reports
Export GA4 data into Google Sheets using GA4 Magic Reports

The report will automatically update at the frequency you selected, keeping your Google Sheets document up to date with the latest GA4 data.

Method #4: Export GA4 Data to Google Sheets using Google Analytics 4 Data API (Dev skills required)

If you’re familiar with Google App Script, you can link your Google Sheets file to GA4 using the Google Analytics 4 Data API to extract the required data. Google Analytics users can programmatically access Google Analytics 4 (GA4) report data through this API.

Google has provided the example code below. This code runs a report for retrieving the active user count by city and stores the results in a new spreadsheet.

 * Runs a report of a Google Analytics 4 property ID. Creates a sheet with the
 * report.
function runReport() {
   * TODO(developer): Uncomment this variable and replace with your
   *   Google Analytics 4 property ID before running the sample.
  const propertyId = 'YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID';

  try {
    const metric = AnalyticsData.newMetric(); = 'activeUsers';

    const dimension = AnalyticsData.newDimension(); = 'city';

    const dateRange = AnalyticsData.newDateRange();
    dateRange.startDate = '2020-03-31';
    dateRange.endDate = 'today';

    const request = AnalyticsData.newRunReportRequest();
    request.dimensions = [dimension];
    request.metrics = [metric];
    request.dateRanges = dateRange;

    const report = AnalyticsData.Properties.runReport(request,
        'properties/' + propertyId);
    if (!report.rows) {
      console.log('No rows returned.');

    const spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.create('Google Analytics Report');
    const sheet = spreadsheet.getActiveSheet();

    // Append the headers.
    const dimensionHeaders =
        (dimensionHeader) => {
    const metricHeaders =
        (metricHeader) => {
    const headers = [...dimensionHeaders, ...metricHeaders];


    // Append the results.
    const rows = => {
      const dimensionValues =
          (dimensionValue) => {
            return dimensionValue.value;
      const metricValues =
          (metricValues) => {
            return metricValues.value;
      return [...dimensionValues, ...metricValues];

    sheet.getRange(2, 1, report.rows.length, headers.length)

    console.log('Report spreadsheet created: %s',
  } catch (e) {
    // TODO (Developer) - Handle exception
    console.log('Failed with error: %s', e.error);

As mentioned above, this option suits people who are comfortable with Google App Script. I recommend looking at the other options for all other cases.

Do you need extra help exporting your Google Analytics data?

Simply exporting your GA4 data is not enough. To truly benefit from your Google Analytics data, it’s essential to optimize your data export process and analyze the data accurately to extract actionable insights. Our team of experienced analytics professionals can support you in this endeavor. Contact us today for expert guidance on effectively exporting, analyzing, and utilizing your Google Analytics data. 

At Vakulski-Group, we specialize in offering comprehensive assistance with GA4, ensuring that you can maximize the capabilities of this powerful analytics tool. Our services encompass GA4 implementation, customization, and in-depth data analysis. Get in touch with us now to unlock the full potential of your analytics data!

Final Words on How to Export Your GA4 Data into Google Sheets

In conclusion, exporting your GA4 data to Google Sheets offers the advantage of combining it with data from multiple sources for more comprehensive analysis. This approach enables you to gain deeper insights by merging GA4 data with other relevant datasets, allowing for a more holistic view of your analytics. 

This article outlines various free methods, including the Google Sheet Connector, the GA4 Magic Reports Sheets Add-on, direct report data downloads or export, and the GA4 Data API for users proficient in APP Script. These methods cater to different needs and skill levels, providing a range of options for exporting GA4 data to Google Sheets and enabling comprehensive analysis. By leveraging these methods, users can tailor their approach to meet specific analytical requirements and make the most of their GA4 data within Google Sheets.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to export GA4 data into Google Sheets?

You can export GA4 data into Google Sheets by using the Google Sheet Connector, the GA4 Magic Reports Sheets Add-on, direct report data downloads or export, and the GA4 Data API for users proficient in APP Script.

What’s the best free Google Sheets add-on to export GA4 data?

You can use the GA4 Magic Reports add-on to export GA4 data into Google Sheets.

What is Google Analytics 4 Spreadsheet Add-on?

The Google Analytics 4 Spreadsheet Add-on is a tool created by Google that allows users to easily import data from Google Analytics 4 into Google Sheets for further analysis and reporting. This add-on simplifies accessing and manipulating GA4 data directly within the familiar interface of Google Sheets, enabling users to create custom reports, visualize data, and extract valuable insights without the need for complex coding or manual data extraction.

What is the GA4 plugin for Google Sheets?

The GA4 plugin for Google Sheets is a tool that connects Google Analytics 4 data with Google Sheets for easy analysis and reporting. It allows users to import GA4 data directly into Google Sheets, enabling custom reports, data visualization, and insights extraction without manual extraction or coding.

Written By

Ihar Vakulski

With over 8 years of experience working with SaaS, iGaming, and eCommerce companies, Ihar shares expert insights on building and scaling businesses for sustainable growth and success.

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