If you have upgraded to Google Analytics 4 and used it for a while, you could start wondering how to access the data about landing pages. Until the 13th of December 2022, you need to use a workaround solution to build such a report or use the GA4 Explorations feature. That doesn’t make sense in many cases anymore because they added the Landing Page report into Google Analytics 4. 

However, let’s look at all available options one more time.

Option #1 | How to find the landing page report in Google Analytics 4

The first and the most straightforward way to find the data about landing pages is to take the following steps:

Option 1 GA4 Report Landing Pages
Access the landing page report using the “Reports” tab in GA4
  1. Open Google Analytics 4 and click on “Reports”.
  2. Select “Life Cycle” and click on “Engagement”.
  3. Select the “Landing Page” report.

This report will answer almost every one of your questions. But if you need help, you can use the second option.

Note: If you don’t see this option. It means that you need to take the following steps to enable it. Go to GA4 -> Reports -> Library -> Edit Life Cycle Collection -> Find “Landing page” report under “Detail report” and add it to “Life Cycle” collection and save changes to the current collection. After that, you can access it on Engagement – Landing Page.

How to Add Landing Page report into GA4
Adding “Landing page” report to GA4 Life Cycle Collection

Option #2 | How to use GA4 Explorations to build a Landing Page report

The second option to build a landing page report in Google Analytics 4 is to use the GA4 Explorations feature. 

Option 2 GA4 Explorations Landing Pages
Access the landing page report using the GA4 Explorations feature

To build a report there, you should take the following steps:

  1. Open GA4 and go to Explorations
  2. Create a new report
  3. Import the following metrics and dimensions to this report
    1. Dimensions:
      1. “Landing page + query string”
    2. Metrics:
      1. “Sessions”
      2. “New Users”
      3. “Total Users”
      4. “Transactions”
      5. “Total Revenue”
  4. Add all dimensions to rows and metrics to values

Congratulations! You built your first custom report on landing page performance.

Option #3 | How to build the landing page report in GA4 using Library functionality

The third option can help you when you want to add custom metrics and dimensions to your landing page report and keep it in front of you or access it very often. This way, it’s good to use GA4 Library functionality to build the custom detailed report you need. Let’s look at the steps you should take.

Option 3 GA4 Library Landing Pages
Access the landing page report using the GA4 Library functionality
  1. Open GA4 -> Reports -> Library
  2. Create a new detailed report
  3. Select “Traffic acquisition” template
  4. After that, remove all dimensions and add a new one, “Landing page + query string”. Apply the changes.
  5. Save the report and give it a name.
  6. After that, add the report to the existing collection and publish it.

After that, you can easily access it in GA4 Reports without spending time building it in GA4.

Final Thought

The landing page report is a crucial part of any analysis. Therefore, you can use one of these three ways to access the relevant data in Google Analytics 4. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below.

How do I find landing page data in GA4?

There are a few ways to access the GA4 data about the landing page. The most straightforward is to take the following steps:
1. Open Google Analytics 4 and click on “Reports”.
2. Select “Live Cycle” and click on “Engagement”.
3. Select the “Landing Page” report.

Where is the landing page report in GA4?

Google added the landing page report to GA4 on the 13th of December, 2022. You can find it in GA4 -> Reports -> Life cycle -> Engagement -> Landing Page

Written By

Ihar Vakulski

With over 8 years of experience working with SaaS, iGaming, and eCommerce companies, Ihar shares expert insights on building and scaling businesses for sustainable growth and success.


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